Been a while since I last posted trying to keep myself busy. Im still stuck in Turkey(.. hence the not so jovial mood) this time I cant do anything about it. Just got be patient and sane. Its not that I havent had a break had some few weeks off, visited Istanbul and also historial sites places like Ephesus,Selcuk had a great time really. The waiting game kills the spirit especially as the paperwork never seem to end. New year, came by was indoors made myself a cuppa of salep (tasty turkish drink added with a dash of cinammon) watched Tv and chatted with family n freinds online.There is nothing much to do these days as all my classmates arent around.
And now Eid ul Adha is around the corner. I had anticipated to spend it with my family but isnt the case. So going to spend it with my fellow African students have our little get to gether. Visit some Turkish families and call it a day. Well at this end, the coming of Eid also signifies an official holiday all the schools and businesses are closed for a week or more. So far heard going to be 9 days break. Implying have more time on my hands. Promised myself to hit the books again to keep myself focused and preoccupied. Inshallah pray before February to be on a plane and land home. Amin.
Wishing you all a happy Eid Mubarak. Promised myself to enjoy it, God willing. Hope you enjoy yours too.

May Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) accept all our worship for His Sake, and may He further bless us all with forgiveness and adherence to the Qur.aan and the authentic Sunnah.