Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I cant sleep.

Who is to blame? The price you pay when you oversleep. Should be tucked in bed by now its 3.30 am. Ah, well will try to lay down again later. Problem is Ive got resposibilities tomorrow.
Been reading the Quraan and some verses of Suratil AL Imran (3:99-105)shook me. Why? they reflected the current state of affairs of the world.The muslim world has become so divided and because of that the society cant function as one. Instead of giving each other a pat on the back and pulling up the unprevilidged what we see is people being given the blind eye treatment or are riped off or minimal assistance is given to the underdogs. Those in power support each other and the followers due to personal reasons do what they deem right.Bringing chaos and unsatisfaction and the worst part is people using religion as an excuse. While the book we adhere to has openly warned us of our wrong actions. You just need to read and correct yourself and advice others. Woe to us.
What makes a community, functional? What are the necessities to secure the objectives are reached? What happens when the goals arent reached? How does the community deal with failure, discontentment and anger? I cant answer these questions but thats what comes to my mind. Will there ever be harmony and peace? Love prevail. Dont know, but would love to see that day when unnecessary bloodshedding stops, and people can walk without the fear of being assaulted or abused. Where doctors dont have to deal with patients mimed with sharpnel, landmines, knife wounds, burns, psychological trauma and instead deal with preventive medicine and the general wellbeing of the community.
I better stop dreaming, and lay down my head.
Usiku mwema.

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