Alhamdullilah, Today came to the end of the road and an opportunity for a new beginning. Yep, officially considered as a Dr. now. Coming Tuesday, will be given my 4 digit numbers. Cant beleive how the years passed by fast and the ordeals we went through. All for a good cause, alhamdullilah. Well time has come to take our responsibilities more seriously and live up to the oath we took. Inshallah kheir, to a new beginning, new cases to tackle and a different lifestyle.
The topping to the cake was this card a dear friend sent, full of kind words and a prayer. Te$ekkurler karde$im.
^^^Amin, I pray I wont let you, my teachers and those whose lives Ive been entrusted with down. Mungu akuweke na akujalie kila la kheir.
*hugs* congrats sis!!! mashallah. may the rest of your 'journey' be just as great!
*dreads the long road ahead of me...oh dear*
Mashallah may you achieve all your dreams.
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