Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year... Heri ya Mwaka mpya na kwaheri 2009

Today I would like to share this poem written in Swahili by a talented young man studying in Turkey. An Eulogy to 2009.

> Shairi naliandika, Natumai mko poa
> Izraili amefika, Roho yangu kuitoa
> Mwito kifo naitika, Meshindwa kujiokoa
> Hata hivyo yote tisa, Kumi mie naondoka
> Ni miezi na masiku, Nami nimevumilia
> Nakumbuka ile siku, Nilipo waingilia
> Tena mida ya usiku, Nyote mkasubiria
> Hata hivyo yote tisa, Kumi mie naondoka
> Saa zenu kwa pamoja, MlifUata akrabu
> Kwa sekunde mojamoja,Mkaweza kuhesabu
> Nne tatu mbili moja, Mkanambia karibu
> Hata hivyo yote tisa, Kumi mie naondoka
> Hoye mkafurahia, Kwa shangwe mkanilaki
> Tena mkashangilia, Mukawasha mafataki
> Kwa masoda na mabia, Hakuna kilichobaki
> Hata hivyo yote tisa, Kumi mie naondoka
> Awali mlinipenda, Na wala hamukugomba
> Elfu mbili na kenda,Kwenu ni mgeni bomba
> Ili nisiweze kwenda, Kukicha mkaniomba
> Hata hivyo yote tisa, Kumi mie naondoka
> Tumekuwa marafiki, Wa kufa na kuzikana
> Tulogawana riziki, Wala hatukunyimana
> Hasa wakati wa dhiki,Daima tulifaana
> Hata hivyo yote tisa, Kumi mie naondoka
> Vipi leo mwachukia, Kunilani kwa matusi
> Tangu nilipoingia, Ni mafua na virusi
> Mwatamani nifukia, Mpate ondoa nuksi
> Hata hivyo yote tisa, Kumi mie naondoka
> Serikali zalalama, Mgeni mie sifai
> Uchumi umeshazama, Benki zinawadai
> Bidhaa zote gharama, Mpaka mumenikinai
> Hata hivyo yote tisa, Kumi mie naondoka
> Namaliza msafara, Nilikuwa tu mgeni
> Mliopata madhara, Mtapata afueni
> Mliokula hasara, Nasema tena poleni
> Hata hivyo yote tisa, Kumi mie naondoka
> Hivi sasa nawatoka, Bora tu niwaacheni
> Kuwa nanyi nimechoka,Kwaheri nawaageni
> Sina budi kuchomoka, Yupo mwengine mgeni
> Hata hivyo yote tisa, Kumi roho yanitoka
> Mpokeeni mwenzangu, Anayefanana nami
> Jina lake kama langu,Elfu mbili na kumi
> Tabia ni kama zangu, Msimpige mangumi
> Hata hivyo yote tisa, Kumi roho yanitoka
> Kiumri nimemzidi, Hawezi kutabirika
> Basi namujitahidi, Kabla yeye kufika
> Mabadiliko yabidi, Msije kuathirika
> Hata hivyo yote tisa, Kumi roho ishatoka
> HAMZA A. MOHAMMED a.k.a 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

New Hope

The month of September denotes a new season of uncertainty for graduate doctors as well to fourth year medical students. It's the month were we collectively apply via the Internet using ERAS application program for residency training of our choice at medical programs across America. There is alot of time spent to research programs,collecting letters of recommendations and the most demanding is the soul searching, mind boggling time spent writing up personal statements to express your attributes, aspirations and why they need you ... the better you present yourself in the PS the better it may act as an advocate for you to get the golden prize that being An invitation. I personally found writing the PS was the most demanding mostly because I come from a culture were we don't sing our praises, the more timid or considerate you are the better.

Once all your documents are uploaded by the system, you've filled out your online CV and CAF(Common Application form)and certify that what you have written is the truth you can officially apply to programs. Which poses another problem, how many programs can you afford to apply to? depending on the number of programs you apply to the cost differs. It's no cheap process and not for the faint hearted. Last year I applied to 61 programs I paid around $1200. This year Ive applied to Family medicine programs and Internal medicine programs total of 61 programs I spent $675, price got split because I applied to different fields of medicine but in the end it's still alot of money. I haven't added the costs for the token, USMLE transcript, NRMP .... which is approx $200.

After making the payment and pressing the SUBMIT BUTTON that's when all the fun begins. You check your Inbox twice or thrice daily, check your cellphone frequently you don't want to miss that phone call from a program coordinator. You check online forums frequently to know which programs have sent invitations and rejections while your inbox is dry. You read forum members comments regarding phone Interviews gone bad and sympathise with them as they receive the rejection. You read about people getting rejections because they applied to programs which don't offer visas but on the programs website such information isn't posted. To be honest apart from being stressful it's also been a humbling experience. I still haven't heard from most of the programs Ive applied to but I'm grateful Ive received my first Interview which has given me hope in the system. There is still time to hear from others.

PS.Would like to share an article created by usmlepatient on USMLEFORUM regarding this years match and the way we feel aka the Match 2010 syndrome. Enjoy!!

Frustration with Malignant hypertension and excessively raised Intracranial tension. Frequent palpitations with occasional skipped beats. Unresponsive to therapy.

Associated symptoms: Lack of concentration, hyperphagia (I wish anorexia would be a symptom), mood swings, feeling of guilt, (no suicidal ideation....!)
Excessively peeping into "2010 match" community and not to mention the number of times opening 'My ERAS' for new messages. Occasional night terrors.

Associated risk factors: Step 3 in the very near future.

Aggravating factors : Rejections. Lots of IV calls for fellow IMGs...that too with same creds.
Alleviating factors : at least acknowledgements.

Defenses employed: Denial and rationalization after seeing the rejections. Introjection after seeing IV calls for the fellow IMGs.

Vitals : seemingly normal.
General examination : the patient is disheveled , unkempt and a bit agitated.
Execessively drowsy (even after daily long sleeping hours).

High doses of IV calls for induction.
Good interview performances for maintenance.
and a Prematch for remission.

Innate immunity : Being an American med graduate.

Acquired Immunity

Active immunity : a)naturally acquired - by doing some USCE
b)artificially acquired - by having some contacts.

Passive immunity : a) naturally acquired - Green card or Citizenship
b) artificially acquired - no more than sheer luck.

P.S. chances of relapse at the time of getting into a fellowship

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ramadhan Kariim

I received this poem in Swahili and I would like to share it as it reflects on Ramadan. I wish everyone a Ramadhan Makbul.


Ninaanza kwa salamu, Baraka nizifaidi
Nashika yangu kalamu,Kusema imenibidi
Enyi ndugu isilamu, Umati wa Muhamadi
Ya Rabbi utunusuru, Pepo tusijeikosa

Mikono naifungua, Na kwa moyo mkunjufu
Mgeni ameshatua, Mwezi mwema mtukufu
Naupokea kwa dua, Na furaha sufu sufu
Ya Rabbi utunusuru, Pepo tusijeikosa

Mwaka huu mtihani, Si rahisi ni mgumu
Kuifunga Ramadhani,Mchana kutwa saumu
Kwa kweli sio utani,Yapaswa kujilazimu
Ya Rabbi utunusuru, Pepo tusijeikosa

Daku msilisahau, Mkatafuna vitende
Ugali au pilau, Msipokula ni mbinde
Mujipige angalau,Saumu isiwashinde
Ya Rabbi utunusuru, Pepo tusijeikosa

Mchana jua ni kali, Lazima kuvumilia
Magharibi nayo mbali,Adhana kusubiria
Ukahisi huna hali, Na ari kukuishia
Ya Rabbi utunusuru, Pepo tusijeikosa

Sio matumbo pekee, Nafsi pia fungani
Macho msikodolee, Maovu kuyatamani
Ubora ni mtembee, Mkitazama angani
Ya Rabbi utunusuru, Pepo tusijeikosa

Tena nchi za ulaya, Mazingira ni hatari
Watu wamekosa haya, Kwa kupenda ufahari
Tabia zao ni mbaya, Kwao kufunga hiari
Ya Rabbi utunusuru, Pepo tusijeikosa

Hiyo miji ya likizo, Msimu wa kiangazi
Ndio kuna matatizo, Wanawake wote wazi
Kuvaa sio kigezo, Vimini ndio mavazi
Ya Rabbi utunusuru, Pepo tusijeikosa

Tumuombe Maulana, Ya Allah ya Karimu
Tusijeipata lana, Kwa mambo yaso muhimu
Tutendeni ya maana, Isitupate hukumu
Ya Rabbi utunusuru, Pepo tusijeikosa

Tamati nimefikia, Imepita alasiri
Magharibi meingia, Namalizia shairi
Wenzangu nawakimbia,Nenda tafuta futari
Ya Rabbi utunusuru, Pepo tusijeikosa

by Hamza A. Mohammed

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Match is over. Starting from square one again

So, as I predicted 2008 will be a year of challenges. Sure was in every aspect !! I did get to to pass my exams on first attempt though not as well as I had anticipated. Travelled to Chicago to do my cs exam and enjoyed a few days seeing the attractions of the city. Applied for the residency match on time and got to volunteer with local doctors. It was a tough year but rewarding in its own way. Learnt more on my limitations and developed new strengths. Made some good friends through this trial and got time to volunteer with the community and play an active role. I'm human so I am a bit disappointed that I didn't get to Match into an Internal Med or Family Med residency program but believe if I put some more effort in it...try some new venues e.g research God willing I will match next year.

Health wise except from a bad flu I picked up from NYC trip I was healthy as a horse, Mashallah. Been working out and dieting managed to lose the extra pounds I added while studying. I still love my chocolates but there is no harm with treats,, now and then !!! Having fun with cooking... been bedazzling friends with my talent. Hope I can keep it. I miss alot of things especially food and I try to fusion the different cultural experiences I have had and create a taster recipe. I love my Swahili-Turkish-Indian-Somali-western infused creations... there is so much you can make in the kitchen. And there is so much more to learn if only I had the extra time...

Friendship and relationships have prospered. Learnt alot from others and shared what I knew or had experienced. Ive learnt more of my own temperament and how I relate to others. Ive come to know who are my real friends and I appreciate who they are. As for my "false" friends I pray they will have patience and learn that giving or helping others isn't so hard. In life we all go through stages of giving or taking, life is dynamic we are supposed to adapt and change with the course. And make the most of the challenges we face either good or bad but still holding true to our core ideals and integrity. One idiom which has rung true to my trials and tribulations has been "actions speak more than words". It has helped me to differentiate friends from acquaintances.

I still managed to travel and have some fun :) Wonder where I will go next? Its always nice to get out of the routine and appreciate nature or the man made beauty around you. Experienced the tastes and flavors of pumpkins at the 101st Circleville Pumpkin festival, enjoyed the view from Sears towers and from the top of the rock, had some great pizza in NYC, enjoyed the beauty of African sunset in Tanga & the busy streets with bicycles . Enjoyed the walks in the various parks in Columbus in fall and the beautiful picturesque change of the seasons. Winter as usual was cold and white but beautiful in its own unique way. And now we are in spring again can hear the chirping of birds all around me. Life is beautiful... there is so much to see and experience. I'm grateful to be alive and breathing. Thank you God, I will be patient, I know you have greater plans for me. After pain and tribulations comes ease. I will actively try to achieve it. Amin

A little reminder of Home... Taarabu Music Titled Najiamini - I beleive or trust in myself.
